Grow Your Savings Special CD Rates

Grow Your Savings Special CD Rates

Please note: This special promotion has ended, effective 8/19. Please visit our rates page to view current rates. 

Take advantage of growing rates at BluCurrent! Grow your savings even more when you open a 30-month special certificate of deposit with new money:

New Money Interest Rate (APR*) Annual Percentage Yield (APY**)
No Minimum 2.75% 2.79%
$10,000 - $24,999 2.85% 2.89%
$25,000 - $49,999 2.95% 2.99%
$50,000 + 3.05% 3.10%


With rates as high as 3.10% APY**, why wait?  Start growing your money today!

The easiest way to take advantage of these 30-month special CD rates is to stop by one of our branches. Visit our locations page to find your closest branch and view hours of each location.  If you prefer to open your CD over the phone or online, give us a call at 417.887.1983, send us a secure message through online or mobile banking or launch a video banking call. A member service representative will walk you through opening your CD.


Rate accurate as of 07/25/2022. Limited-time rate begins on 07/25/2022. Minimum of $10,000.00 new money required to be eligible for increased promotional rate. BluCurrent reserves the right to change rates at any time. If automatic renewal is selected, certificate of deposit will renew at a 36-month term and interest rate in effect at that time. For additional terms of agreement refer to BluCurrent Credit Union Membership Agreement and Truth in Savings Disclosure or call 417-887-1983.

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