Securing Your ID

Securing Your ID

Protecting your information is a top priority, which is why we monitor your accounts for fraud 24/7. There are several things you can do to further secure your identity.
Wondering what you can do to help protect yourself from identity theft? We've put together a helpful list of tips to secure your identity:
1) Monitor your accounts. We're always keeping an eye out for suspicious activity, but nobody knows your account activity better than you do. That's why it's important to monitor your accounts. Don't just wait for your monthly statements; use helpful tools like Online and Mobile Banking to keep an eye out for fraud daily or weekly. If you notice suspicious activity, notify us immediately. 
If we detect fraud on your account, your card will be temporarily blocked and you will receive a text message to verify the transaction. Click here to learn the necessary steps to respond to that text and what else to expect when we detect fraud. Also, be sure that we have your correct cell phone number on file. If you've changed numbers recently, give us a call or stop by to get your info updated.
2) Sign up for account notifications. On top of checking your account frequently, consider signing up for eAlerts. eAlerts are text or email notifications sent to inform you when certain transactions happen on your account. The best part? It's FREE! You can create and customize your eAlerts from within Online Banking
3) Monitor your credit reports. Once a year, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from all three of the credit reporting agencies at It's important to review all three reports carefully to make sure you recognize the accounts. If something is on one of the reports that you don't recognize, investigate further by contacting the lender where the potential fraud is coming from. 
4) Place a credit freeze or fraud alert on your files if you think your information has been exposed. Placing a credit freeze lets you restrict access to your credit report. This makes it difficult for fraudsters to open new accounts in your name. Click here to learn how to place a credit freeze on your credit reports. 
If you plan on applying for credit soon (don't forget emergencies happen), placing fraud alerts on your files might be the best option. Click here to learn how to place a fraud alert on your files. 
5) Safeguard your accounts with updated and varied passwords. Update your account passwords frequently and always use a different password for each account. 
6) File your taxes early. When the time comes, get your taxes done as quickly as possible. This will prevent a scammer from using your SSN to get their hands on your tax refund.
Do yourself (and your credit) a favor and follow these easy steps to help avoid identity theft. You'll be glad you did when a fraudster gets blocked from using your account! If you are still wondering what else you can do to keep your identity safe and secure, click here to learn more.

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