Contact Us
Our team is ready to help take care of your banking needs through our video banking service, call center, and other services.
Speak face-to-face with a member service representative over a video banking call. Available Monday-Friday from 9am - 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am - 1pm.
Send us a secure message through Online Banking or the Mobile App. Available 24/7. Please allow up to 48 business hours for reply
Please use our chatbot for quick assistance with general questions and information. Available 24/7.
Visit us in person at one of our branch locations, find a BluCurrent ATM or find your closest shared branch or ATM.
Submit a contact form and a member of our team will follow up within 48 business hours.
Speak with a friendly member service representative over the phone. Available Monday - Friday from 8:45 am - 5:15 pm.
Additional Resources
BluCurrent Routing Number: 286582805
Hours of OperationLost or Stolen Card?
Open an Account
View Account Balance
View Rates
Set up Direct Deposit
Order Checks
Provide Proof of Insurance
Helpful Phone Numbers
24/7 Card Dispute Hotline: (800) 864-5301
Card Activation Line: (800) 631-3197
To Provide Proof of Insurance: (800) 653-8812
Wire Instructions
Bank/Credit Union Name:
Millennium Corporate
Credit Union
ABA # 301180111
Credit Union
ABA # 301180111
Beneficiary Bank/
Credit Union Name:
Credit Union Name:
BluCurrent Credit Union
ABA # 286582805
ABA # 286582805
Final Credit To:
Member's Name and Account Number
For additional assistance, please call (417) 887-1983 during business hours and a friendly member service representative will be happy to help.